Striving Together: Transforming Beliefs into Action
Today’s inspiration is drawn from Barbara W. Winder’s powerful message, “Striving Together: Transforming Our Beliefs into Action,” during the October 1984 general conference.
Today’s inspiration is drawn from Barbara W. Winder’s powerful message, “Striving Together: Transforming Our Beliefs into Action,” during the October 1984 general conference.
Today’s inspiration is drawn from Elder Russell M. Nelson’s talk, “Be Thou an Example of the Believers,” during October 2010 general conference.
Today’s inspiration is drawn from “Our Only Chance” by Sheri L. Dew, emphasizing the profound role of Christ’s Atonement in our lives.
Today’s inspiration is drawn from “The Work Moves Forward” by President Gordon B. Hinckley, highlighting the enduring faith and progress of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Today’s inspiration is drawn from “The Phenomenon That Is You” by President James E. Faust, emphasizing the significance of discovering our family history.
Today’s inspiration is drawn from “Friend or Foe” by Elder Charles Didier, a powerful reminder of the choices we make in our relationship with God.
Today’s inspiration is drawn from “The Message of Elijah” by Elder Mark E. Petersen, a message that resonates with the essence of family and salvation.
Today’s inspiration is drawn from “The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon” by Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles during April 2020.
Today’s inspiration is drawn from “Be of Good Cheer” by Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles during October 1982. In this powerful message, Elder Maxwell encourages us to maintain our faith and cheerfulness even in the face of life’s challenges.
Today’s inspiration is drawn from “Realize Your Full Potential” by Elder Richard G. Scott, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, during October 2003.