Priceless Principles for Success: A Journey of Faith and Service

Today’s inspiration is drawn from “Priceless Principles for Success” by Elder Claudio R. M. Costa of the Seventy during October 1994.

Finding Success in Unexpected Places

Inspiration often arises from the most unexpected of sources. Today, we draw wisdom from the teachings of Elder Claudio R. M. Costa, a devoted member of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His message, shared in the October 1994 General Conference, reflects on the true essence of success. It’s a message that resonates far beyond its time, touching on principles that are priceless and enduring.

Scriptural Inspiration: A Journey Towards True Success

Elder Costa’s message calls to mind the biblical wisdom found in Matthew 16:26, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” This scripture underscores the value of true success, prioritizing spiritual growth and service over worldly possessions.

Humble Beginnings and Priceless Principles

Elder Costa begins his address by sharing a glimpse of his own humble beginnings. Born into a poor family, he learned valuable lessons about hard work, righteousness, and the importance of family from a young age. His parents’ teachings laid the foundation for the priceless principles that would shape his life.

The Misconception of Material Success

In his youth, Elder Costa, like many, equated success with material wealth and comfort. However, his journey of discovery led him to a deeper understanding of the true meaning of success. It became clear that genuine success is not measured by the accumulation of worldly possessions but by our devotion to God and service to others.

True Success: A Life of Service

Elder Costa’s mission as the President of the Brazil Manaus Mission introduced him to remarkable stories of true success. He recounts the inspiring journey of a faithful family living in the heart of the Amazon. Their unwavering commitment to the gospel led them to make tremendous sacrifices to attend the São Paulo Brazil Temple, a remarkable testament to their dedication.

True Success in Everyday Faithfulness

Elder Costa shares another story that exemplifies true success. An elderly Church member, despite feeling that he had not achieved material success, had, in fact, achieved something far greater. All of his children were not only members of the Church but were also faithful, sealed in the temple, and living the gospel. His faithfulness and dedication to his family’s spiritual well-being were his true successes.

Priceless Principles from the Scriptures

Elder Costa finds parallels in the scriptures that reinforce the concept of true success. He references the example of Nephi and Sam, who charted their course for success through their faithfulness to the Lord. Their commitment to following God’s commandments became a beacon of light for countless others, a testament to the enduring power of righteous living.

Following the Savior's Counsel

Elder Costa acknowledges the profound impact of the counsel given by Church leaders like President Spencer W. Kimball. He emphasizes the importance of following not only spiritual guidance but also the counsel on managing our temporal lives. Obedience to these teachings brings protection, safety, and true success.

The Priceless Gift of Faith

In conclusion, Elder Costa’s message reminds us that true success is not found in material wealth but in faithfulness to God, service to others, and commitment to His commandments. It is a call to reevaluate our priorities and recognize the invaluable nature of these principles in our lives.

Embrace Priceless Principles

As we reflect on these teachings, let us remember that success is not determined by our worldly possessions but by our devotion to God, service to our fellow beings, and living according to His commandments. Let us seek to make a difference in the world by embodying these priceless principles. By doing so, we can contribute to making the world a better place, one act of faith and service at a time.  Link to the original: Priceless Principles for Success

God Is Available. He Loves You…Do You Want Help?…see Prayers Answered”

The content titled “Priceless Principles for Success: A Journey of Faith and Service” discusses the importance of true success, emphasizing spiritual growth, service, and faithfulness to God over material possessions. It draws inspiration from Elder Claudio R. M. Costa’s message and scriptural teachings.

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