
Embracing the Challenge: Learning from “I Love Loud Boys”

Today’s inspiration is drawn from “I Love Loud Boys” by Elder Yoon Hwan Choi Of the Seventy during October 2009. In this moving discourse, Elder Choi shares a transformative journey with a group of boisterous young men in Seoul, Korea, highlighting the potent blend of patience, love, and guidance. This message is particularly resonant today as we navigate our paths and seek to positively influence those around us.

The Essence of Service

Today’s inspiration is drawn from Why Do We Serve? by Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, delivered during the October 1984 General Conference. In his profound discourse, Elder Oaks explores the various motivations behind service and emphasizes the highest form of service—serving from the pure love of Christ.

Navigating a World of Spiritual Challenges

Today’s inspiration is drawn from Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s thought-provoking discourse titled “Behold, the Enemy Is Combined” (D&C 38:12),” delivered during the April 1993 General Conference. In his address, Elder Maxwell shares profound insights into the spiritual challenges facing individuals amidst a deteriorating world.

The Guiding Light of Living Prophets: Following the Counsel of Spencer W. Kimball

Today’s inspiration is drawn from Elder Loren C. Dunn’s enlightening discourse on “A Living Prophet,” delivered during the April 1976 General Conference. In his address, Elder Dunn reflects on the profound significance of having a living oracle to guide and direct the affairs of the Church, emphasizing the pivotal role of President Spencer W. Kimball as a modern-day prophet.


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