The Temple: A Place of Love and Connection

Today’s Inspiration: The Temple Is about Families by Elder Richard H. Winkel
In October 2006, Elder Richard H. Winkel of the Seventy shared a profound message about the importance of temples in the lives of families. His words emphasize how temple service strengthens familial bonds, offering a sanctuary of peace and an opportunity for spiritual growth. Today, we draw inspiration from his talk to explore the deep connections between temples, family, and faith.

Elder Winkel begins by highlighting the recent dedication of the 123rd temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Sacramento, California. This temple, like others around the world, is a sacred place where members can draw closer to Jesus Christ and feel a profound sense of peace and hope.

In the temple, families can experience a deeper love than ever before. Elder Winkel shares how his own family has grown closer through increased temple service. This love extends beyond immediate family members to parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, ancestors, and especially grandchildren. This concept, known as the Spirit of Elijah, is the spirit of family history work, inspiring us to turn our hearts to our ancestors and descendants.

The Eternal Bond of Families

One of the most comforting doctrines Elder Winkel discusses is the eternal sealing of families. Through priesthood authority, husbands and wives are sealed together, and children are sealed to their parents for eternity. This means that families will not be separated by death but will continue their relationships beyond this life.

Elder Winkel recounts a personal story to illustrate the importance of family time and creating lasting memories. When his son memorized all 13 Articles of Faith, they planned a special outing. Despite a busy schedule, Elder Winkel made the effort to spend quality time with his son, resulting in a cherished experience. He acknowledges that he wishes he had more such moments with all his children but emphasizes the hope the temple provides for eternal family relationships.

A Refuge from the World

Temples serve as a refuge from the chaos of the world. The Sacramento members shared with their open house guests that the temple allows them to see things more clearly, free from the distractions of daily life. In the celestial room, a place of peace, tranquility, and beauty, individuals can reflect, ponder, pray, and feel the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

In 2 Samuel 22:7, David says, “In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.” This scripture reinforces the idea that the temple is a place of personal revelation and spiritual guidance.

Becoming Saviors on Mount Zion

President Gordon B. Hinckley taught that just as Jesus Christ gave His life as a vicarious sacrifice for all, we too become saviors in a small measure when we engage in proxy work in the temple. This service connects us more deeply with our departed brothers and sisters, enabling them to progress and receive essential ordinances.


The temple is not only a place of connection but also a place to know the Father and the Son. The Prophet Joseph Smith urged everyone to search deeper into the mysteries of Godliness, and the temple is the ideal place for such spiritual exploration.

Embrace the Temple and Strengthen Families

Elder Winkel’s message is clear: the temple is about families. It is a place where we can experience the love and presence of Jesus Christ and strengthen our eternal bonds. Let us become a temple-attending and temple-loving people, finding peace and hope in its sacred walls.

As we strive to follow Elder

Winkel’s counsel, let us also look for ways to make the world a better place. We can do this by strengthening our own families, serving others, and sharing the love of Christ. Whether through small acts of kindness or more significant efforts, each contribution helps build a brighter future.

God Is Available. He Loves You…Do You Want Help?…see Prayers Answered”


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