The Guiding Light of Living Prophets: Following the Counsel of Spencer W. Kimball

Today’s inspiration is drawn from Elder Loren C. Dunn’s enlightening discourse on “A Living Prophet,” delivered during the April 1976 General Conference. In his address, Elder Dunn reflects on the profound significance of having a living oracle to guide and direct the affairs of the Church, emphasizing the pivotal role of President Spencer W. Kimball as a modern-day prophet.

Recognizing the Significance of Living Prophets

Elder Dunn takes us back in time to the April general conference of 1876, where he uncovers a remarkable historical event amidst the centennial celebrations of the nation. Despite the chaos of explosions and uncertainty, the conference itself focused on timeless principles of tithing, temple work, and sacrifice—themes that remain relevant even a century later.

The Vital Role of Living Oracles

Drawing from the teachings of Wilford Woodruff and Orson F. Whitney, Elder Dunn highlights the essential nature of living prophets in guiding the Church. He emphasizes that while scriptures hold immense value, it is through the living oracles that God speaks directly to His people, providing timely counsel and direction for our day.

Following the Prophet's Call to Action

Elder Dunn shares insights from President Spencer W. Kimball’s visits to the South Pacific, where he passionately urged Saints to engage in missionary work and outreach efforts. President Kimball’s powerful messages underscore the urgency of spreading the gospel and reaching out to others with love and compassion.

The Impact of Obedience to Living Prophets

Elder Dunn recounts stories of miraculous blessings that follow when individuals heed the counsel of living prophets. From President McKay’s inspired direction to send missionaries to a specific area to President Kimball’s call for increased missionary efforts, the Church experiences profound growth and blessings when members align their actions with prophetic counsel.

Gratitude for Modern Revelation

In expressing gratitude for the gift of living prophets, Elder Dunn reminds us of the privilege we have to receive current revelation and guidance from God. He affirms the living, dynamic nature of the gospel, built on the foundation of ongoing revelation through living prophets.

Embracing Prophetic Counsel

As we reflect on Elder Dunn’s message, let us heed the following call to action:

Follow the Prophet: Embrace the teachings and counsel of living prophets with faith and obedience. Let us prioritize missionary work, temple service, and outreach efforts in our lives, trusting in the wisdom and guidance of modern-day prophets.

Engage in Service: Actively seek opportunities to serve and uplift those around us, following President Kimball’s example of reaching out to neighbors and friends with love and compassion. Let us strive to make a positive difference in the lives of others, embodying the teachings of Jesus Christ in our actions. Link to Original: A Living Prophet

God Is Available. He Loves You…Do You Want Help?…see Prayers Answered”


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