Preparing for Life's Challenges: Practical Lessons from Joseph in Egypt

Inspired by “There Was Bread” from Bishop W. Christopher Waddell during the October 2020 General Conference.

1. Why Prepare for the Future?

We live in uncertain times (pandemics, job loss, etc.)
Just like Joseph in Egypt prepared for famine, we can get ready for whatever comes our way.

2. Listen to Trusted Guidance

Modern prophets offer useful advice for our lives.
They help us understand what to focus on to be better prepared.

3. Money Matters Are Spiritual Too

Taking care of finances isn’t just smart, it’s also a way to be responsible and faithful.
Learn budgeting and saving through church resources like “Personal Finances for Self-Reliance” (Read it here).

4. Balance Is Key

Don’t go to the extreme. You don’t need to become a doomsday prepper.
Bible says, “estimate the cost” before you start something big (Luke 14:28). Be realistic in your preparations.

5. Start with Small Steps

You don’t have to do everything at once.
Elder David A. Bednar says, “Taking action is the exercise of faith.” Start now, even if it’s small.

6. How Can We Make the World Better?

When we are prepared, we can help others too.
Sharing resources and knowledge can have a ripple effect in our community.

Start your preparation today. It could be setting up a budget, stocking up on essential items, or learning a new skill. Share what you’re doing to inspire others to do the same.

By preparing ourselves, we not only create a safety net for us but also contribute to building a stronger, more resilient community. Like Joseph, we can also say “There was bread” when times get tough. Link to the original: Click Here


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