Finding Joy and Peace Through God’s Precious Gifts

Life is filled with blessings from God that can bring us joy, faith, and peace if we open our hearts to receive them. In a recent talk, President M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke of these precious gifts available to all of God’s children. Focusing on them can anchor our testimonies of faith even amidst life’s difficulties.

The Gift of Our Living Prophet

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have the gift of a living prophet who receives revelation from God to guide the Church. This is an amazing and precious gift from God. As we sustain our prophet, we promise to hearken to his words as if from the Lord’s own mouth. Though imperfect men, prophets are prepared by God through a lifetime of experience. Our faith can be strengthened as we choose to have faith in the Lord’s anointed prophet despite human weaknesses.

The Gift of Faith in Christ

President Ballard taught that even a tiny mustard seed of faith in Jesus Christ can help us overcome doubt and discouragement.Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, nothing is impossible for those who exercise even a little faith. We can find happiness in developing greater faith in Christ, who strengthens and uplifts us.

The Gift of the Sabbath

One precious gift from God is the Sabbath day, a time to unplug from devices and distractions to feel the Holy Ghost. President Ballard reminded us that sacrament meeting is a peaceful refuge from the world. When we remember the spiritual purpose of the Sabbath, we can feel greater inspiration, joy and closeness to God.

The Gift of Service

We feel God’s love most when we serve others as Jesus did. President Ballard spoke of both formal service in callings and informal acts of kindness to others. Lifting and strengthening others opens our hearts to God. We should not hesitate to serve in our community and stand for principles of morality.

The Gift of Our Savior

Most precious of all is the gift of a Savior, Jesus Christ, who leads us back to God. President Ballard testified of Christ’s central role in our worship and ordinances. As we remember and follow Him, we will feel peace even amidst trials. Focusing on the many gifts He freely offers allows His grace to uplift us.

God richly blesses us with gifts that bring joy when we open our hearts to them. May we treasure these gifts, especially our Savior Jesus Christ, that our testimonies may be anchored in faith, hope and love. Link to the original:  Precious Gifts from God


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