The Strength and Guide of Our Youth: A Reflection on Jesus Christ

Today’s inspiration is drawn from “Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Youth” by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf during October 2022 general conference.

The Savior's Eternal Love for You

The Savior has an infinite love for each one of us, especially the young individuals finding their place in the world. Imagine His presence right beside you, enveloping you in a warmth that assures you of His boundless affection. Yet, as mortals, we are often haunted by our imperfections, the mistakes we’ve made, and the paths we wish we hadn’t taken. Amid these feelings, Jesus whispers scriptures of comfort, such as Isaiah 41:10: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee.” This is a reminder that, regardless of our weaknesses, Jesus Christ is our constant source of strength.

The Power of Choice in a Confusing World

One of the profound gifts we have been endowed with is the power to choose. Our Heavenly Father has given us this agency, hoping we’d choose eternal joy, though never imposing it upon us. Making choices seems simple from a distance, but when we’re immersed in the thick of life’s battles, the lines between right and wrong can blur. The world presents twisted truths, making evil appear good and vice versa. To navigate through this maze, we need the unwavering compass of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s not just about religious doctrines, but about finding light, purpose, and guidance in an ever-changing world.

A Higher Calling: Embracing the Savior’s Standards

When we reflect on the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ, we find He sets incredibly high standards for His followers. The call isn’t just for a casual belief, but an earnest, wholehearted effort to align our lives with His truths. The standard Jesus sets for us isn’t grounded in the fleeting trends of the world or the transient opinions of society. Instead, He challenges us to rise above, to seek a deeper understanding, and to embrace a higher way of living.

In our daily lives, we make choices. Some might seem insignificant, like what to wear or what show to watch. Yet, even these seemingly trivial decisions reflect our internal compass, our values, and our commitment to the teachings of Christ. The Lord doesn’t simply tell us to act on every whim or desire. His call is more profound. He urges us to let divine wisdom guide us. The message isn’t just “Do whatever feels right” but rather, “Let God’s wisdom prevail in your heart.”

When Jesus invites us with the words, “Come, follow me,” He isn’t presenting a light suggestion. He’s offering a transformative journey. It’s a call to elevate our actions, thoughts, and words to match His teachings. It’s about leading a life that mirrors the holiness, maturity, and depth of His love. By embracing His commandments, we don’t just adhere to rules; we embark on a path of genuine spiritual enrichment.

Reflecting on Christ’s Perfect Example

Jesus Christ stands as our beacon, our mentor, our exemplar. In every challenge or doubt, we can look to Him for guidance. Through His life, He demonstrated boundless love, unshakable faith, and immeasurable sacrifice. As followers of Christ, we’re encouraged to infuse our lives with the same spirit of love and compassion. When faced with life’s adversities, remembering Christ’s teachings can be our refuge and strength. He would assure us, amidst the highs and lows, of His unwavering love and confidence in our potential. By drawing strength from Christ and His teachings, we’re not only investing in our spiritual wellbeing but also contributing positively to the world around us.

I’d like to end with a powerful scripture from Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This is not just a testament to our individual strength but a call for collective action. If each one of us strives to embody the teachings of Christ, we can make the world a better, kinder, and more compassionate place.

Let’s challenge ourselves today. Let’s act in ways that mirror Jesus’s teachings. Let’s help a neighbor, lend a listening ear, share love, and contribute towards making the world a brighter place. Remember, every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to create ripples of positive change. For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices

God Is Available. He Loves You…Do You Want Help?…see Prayers Answered”


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