The Importance of Fatherhood: Drawing Inspiration from Elder James E. Faust

Today’s inspiration is drawn from “Happiness Is Having a Father Who Cares” by Elder James E. Faust, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve during October 1973. In this insightful talk, Elder Faust emphasizes the crucial role of fathers in the family and the broader community. Let’s explore the key points and learn how we can apply these principles to strengthen our own families and communities.

The Role of Fathers in the Family

Elder Faust shares a touching story of a father overwhelmed by the responsibilities of raising six children alone. His 12-year-old daughter, recognizing his struggles, painted a rock with the words, “Happiness is having a dad who cares.” This simple yet profound gesture lightened the father’s burden and highlighted the importance of a father’s caring presence in the home.


In line with this story, President Stephen L. Richards once quoted Judge Samuel S. Liebowitz, who suggested that putting fathers back at the head of the family could significantly reduce juvenile delinquency. This resonates with the teachings of the Church, which has always aimed to prepare fathers for their high and heavy responsibilities. To navigate this journey effectively, consider the power of divine prayer.

Supporting and Respecting Fathers

To strengthen fathers in their roles, Elder Faust offers two simple suggestions: first, sustain and respect the father in his position; second, give him love, understanding, and appreciation for his efforts. This support is crucial, as fathers, like everyone else, have moments of insecurity and doubt. A father who feels loved and respected is better equipped to fulfill his responsibilities with confidence and dedication.

Women play a pivotal role in this process. Elder Faust emphasizes that mothers should build up their husbands rather than tear them down. By doing so, they not only enhance their husband’s self-esteem but also foster a secure and loving environment for their children. Remember, a father’s strength often comes from feeling supported and valued by his family, and this is reinforced through the practice of divine prayer.

Balancing Priorities

President Harold B. Lee provides valuable guidance on balancing priorities. He advises that men should first maintain their spiritual and physical strength, followed by their family, the Church, and then their professions. This hierarchy ensures that fathers can give their best to their families while also fulfilling other important roles. A well-balanced father can better demonstrate love and discipline, which are essential for raising well-rounded children.

Children crave discipline and structure, even if they might not always show it. Elder Faust quotes President David O. McKay, who warned that if parents do not adequately discipline their children, society will. Wise discipline, coupled with love, brings great security and stability to children’s lives. Through divine prayer, fathers can find the strength and wisdom needed to guide their children effectively.


The Broader Impact of Fatherhood

The influence of fatherhood extends beyond the immediate family. Single adults, for example, have a vested interest in strong family units. Elder Boyd K. Packer reassures single members that discussions about families, fathers, and children are vital, as they provide hope and vision for their future families. The principles of divine prayer can offer comfort and guidance to all, regardless of their current family circumstances.

In the Church, bishops often serve as spiritual fathers to their congregations. Elder Faust shares a story of a police chief who found no conflict between his role as a bishop and his duties as a police officer. He relied on his ecclesiastical office for guidance, demonstrating that the principles of fatherhood and leadership apply universally. This underscores the importance of seeking help through divine prayer in all areas of life.

The Eternal Perspective

The ultimate goal of fatherhood in the Church is to prepare families for eternity. Through the power of the priesthood, marriage and family relationships can continue beyond this life. Elder Faust recounts a touching testimony from a mother who expressed profound gratitude for her husband’s dedication to his priesthood duties, which allowed their family to be sealed for time and eternity. Such eternal blessings are accessible to all who honor their roles and seek divine assistance through divine prayer.

Building a Better World

As we reflect on the teachings of Elder James E. Faust, let us commit to strengthening the role of fathers in our families and communities. Whether you are a father, mother, child, or single adult, you can contribute to a world where fathers are respected, supported, and empowered to lead. By doing so, we can create a more stable, loving, and secure environment for future generations.


Join us in this mission by incorporating the principles of divine prayer into your daily life. Together, we can build a world where happiness truly is having a father who cares.

God Is Available. He Loves You…Do You Want Help?…see Prayers Answered”


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