Following the Prophets: A Path to Blessings and Harmony

Today’s inspiration is drawn from “Follow the Prophets” by Elder Waldo P. Call during October 1990.

The Story of Naaman

In the Old Testament, amidst stories of faith, healing, and obedience, we find a remarkable tale that offers profound lessons. It centers around a man named Naaman, a captain in the Syrian army, who, despite his worldly position, grappled with a debilitating condition—leprosy.

Heeding the Faithful Voice

Naaman’s hope for healing came through an Israelite maid who served in his household. This young girl, although far from home, maintained her faith and spoke of a prophet in Samaria who could cure Naaman’s affliction. Her words carried weight, and Naaman accepted them with unwavering faith and hope.

An Encounter with the Prophet

Naaman’s journey to healing was not without its challenges. After a letter from the Syrian king and generous gifts, he sought the prophet in Israel. Elisha, a man of God, sent a simple directive: “Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean.”

Pride's Temptation

However, Naaman’s initial reaction was one of pride and disbelief. He expected grand gestures, rituals, and displays of power. Faced with the humble task of dipping himself in the Jordan River seven times, he recoiled. His pride threatened to keep him from the very healing he sought.

The Transformation of Humility

It was only through the persistence of his servants and his own humility that Naaman overcame his pride. He followed Elisha’s instructions, and the miraculous happened—his flesh was restored, and he was cleansed of leprosy. Naaman’s humility had become the key to his healing.

The Modern Challenge: Following the Prophets

Elder Waldo P. Call’s message in “Follow the Prophets” echoes the timeless lessons from Naaman’s story. In our modern lives, we face a similar challenge: following the guidance of living prophets and apostles. Just as Naaman had to overcome pride and disbelief, we, too, must navigate our own obstacles in embracing the teachings of our modern-day prophets.

The Counsel of President Benson

Elder Call reminds us of the counsel of President Ezra Taft Benson, a beloved prophet and leader of the Church. President Benson’s teachings were clear, powerful, and inspired. He called upon us to fulfill essential commandments, such as going on missions, marrying in the temple, reading the Book of Mormon daily, engaging in family prayer, and observing the Sabbath.

Do We Question the Prophets?

Elder Call points out that we sometimes fall into the trap of questioning the direction of the prophets. We may find ourselves saying, “I don’t want to go on a mission,” “I’m not ready for marriage,” “I’m too busy for daily scripture study,” or “I need to sleep in on Sunday.” These hesitations, like Naaman’s initial resistance, can be fueled by pride or a lack of understanding.

A Lesson in Submissiveness

The scriptures offer a clear path forward. In Mosiah 3:19, we are taught that the natural man is an enemy to God, but through the Atonement of Christ, we can become submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, and willing to endure whatever the Lord sees fit to place before us. The prophet Lehi further emphasizes that sometimes we may view the Lord’s commandments as difficult, but they are indeed divine requirements.

Nephi's Faithful Response

Nephi’s example stands as a beacon of faith and obedience. When asked to do challenging things, he declared, “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.”

Following the Lord's Counsel

Elder Call’s message calls us to action. He reminds us that we must not question the counsel of our prophets but instead embrace it with faith. While he doesn’t advocate blind faith or obedience, he encourages us to live righteously, pray earnestly, and rely on the Holy Spirit to confirm the truth of their teachings.

A Call to Submissive Action

As we reflect on the profound lessons from the story of Naaman and the counsel of modern prophets, it’s essential to consider the relevance of these teachings in our lives today. Let us remember the importance of humility and submission in following the Lord’s chosen leaders.

Embracing Humility and Obedience

In conclusion, the story of Naaman serves as a timeless reminder of the power of humility and submission to the counsel of the Lord’s chosen leaders. Elder Waldo P. Call’s message encourages us to apply these lessons to our lives, trusting that through faith and obedience, we can find blessings, guidance, and harmony.

As we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of our time, let us remember the words of Nephi: “I will go and do.” Let us follow the prophets, keep the commandments, and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to confirm the truth of their teachings.

In this way, we can not only experience personal growth and blessings but also contribute to making the world a better place through our faith, service, and adherence to the counsel of living prophets and apostles. Link to the original: Click Here

God Is Available. He Loves You…Do You Want Help?…see Prayers Answered”


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